
Press releases about the "Black House"

Artprofil, 2022

  • Cristina Streckfuss: Artists' Colony and Contemporary Witness at the Same Time. The "Black House" in Solingen in art magazine Art Profil N° 148 - 2022
Article about the Artists' Colony in Artprofil, 2022
Artprofil Nr.148 von 2022 über die Künst
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.5 MB

Artprofil, 2022

  • Cristina Streckfuss: Artists' Colony and Contemporary Witness at the Same Time. The "Black House" in Solingen in art magazine Art Profil N° 148 - 2022
Amud Uwe Millies: A Worldwide Seeker and Eternally Travelling Expressionist
Artprofil 03-2022 Artikel Millies.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.1 MB

Artprofil, 2022

  • Dr. Claudia Schöning - Kalendar : "The Black House" in Solingen: Fixed point of artistic and intellectual life in art magazine Art Profil N° 146 - 2022
Erwin Bowien: Artist-colonist, painting traveller and chronist
Artprofil Nr. 146 Bowien 2022.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 1.2 MB

Artprofil, 2021

  • Dr. Claudia Schöning - Kalender: : "Bettina Heinen-Ayech: Movement, Colour, Light. The artistic legacy of a painter in art magazine Art Profil N° 144 - 2021
"Bettina Heinen-Ayech: Movement, Colour, Light. The artistic legacy of a painter"
Artprofil Nr.144 von 2021 - Artikel.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 999.5 KB

Solinger Tageblatt, 13. November 2020

Solinger Tageblatt, 12. November 2020

"The Black House": plaque honours cultural heritage

  • On the front of the historic building "Das Schwarze Haus" on Neuenkamper Straße, a plaque on the closed, green batten now commemorates the artists' colony that worked there.
  • More:

Solinger Tageblatt, 07. November 2020